Blinding Status

If the Blinding Flag is set to Yes, you can set the Blinding Status attribute to one of two values:

  • Blinded. The real, sensitive data cannot be viewed or operated on except by a user with Blind Break privileges. Any user with normal security access to the Table instance can view and operate on the dummy data.
  • Unblinded. A person with special privileges can change the Blinding Status from Blinded to Unblinded; for example, at the end of a trial. After the status is set to Unblinded, users require special, but less restrictive, privileges to view and operate on the unblinded data. See the chapter on security in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Implementation Guide for more information on blinding-related privileges. See also Managing Blinded Data.

If the Blinding Flag is set to No, you can set the Blinding Status attribute to one of two values:

  • Not Applicable. This is the default value. It is intended for use with Table instances that never will contain sensitive information that would require blinding.
  • Authorized. Use this status in the rare case that the Table instance is the target of a Program that reads from a blinded Table instance, and the Program is written in such a way that this target Table instance will never contain sensitive data that should be blinded. When the Blinding Status is set to Authorized, the system allows users who have Blind Break privileges on all blinded source Table instances to run the Program that writes to this Table instance. These users see a warning and must confirm that they want to run the Program.

    You may need to use this feature, for example, when creating dummy data; see Loading Real and Dummy Data.


    While you are developing a Program that reads from a blinded Table instance and writes to a nonblinded Table instance, set the target Table instance's Blinding flag to Yes until you are sure that neither the Program nor its log file exposes any sensitive information.