Changing Objects' Validation Status

Object definitions and instances both have a validation status.

You must work directly in the definition or instance to change its validation status.


One security privilege is required to upgrade an object's validation status to Quality Control, and a different privilege is required to upgrade an object's status to Production. If you have either of these privileges, you can set an object's status to Retired.

When an object meets the standards set by your organization for the next validation status, change the status as follows:

  1. Navigate to the object definition or instance.
  2. From the Actions drop-down list, select Support Validation Info. The Validation Status screen appears.
  3. From the Select Validation Status drop-down list, select the correct status.
  4. Click Update. The system tries to change the validation status and returns a message of success or failure.

    Validation Cascade. The system tries to upgrade related objects at the same time in accordance with the Validation Rules. If you are promoting an object instance to a higher validation status than its underlying definition, the system tries to promote the definition as well. If someone else has the definition checked out, the operation fails.

    If the definition contains secondary objects—such as Parameters— whose definitions are at a lower status, the system tries to promote them as well, and the operation fails if another user has checked them out.

    Automatic Checkin. In most cases the system checks in the object and related objects as part of the validation process and applies the new status to the checked-in versions. However, you must manually check in an Execution Setup before you can change its validation status.

  5. Click Return. The system returns you to the Properties screen for the object.


One security privilege is required to upgrade an object's validation status to Quality Control, and a different privilege is required to upgrade an object's status to Production. If you have either of these privileges, you can set an object's status to Retired.