Checking Out an Object Definition through an Instance

When you check out an object definition through an instance of it, you have the option to modify the definition in its current Domain or Application Area (if you have the required privileges) or to create a copy of the definition in the current Application Area, where you can modify it as necessary.

The system points the instance to the new version of the definition whether you choose to modify it in its current location or copy the definition to the current Application Area.

To check out an object definition through an instance of it, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the object instance.
  2. Click Check Out. The Check Out screen appears.
  3. Select one of the following:
    • Check out existing definition. This option allows you to modify the definition in its current location if you have the required privileges.

      If the definition is already checked out by another user, you get an error message when you select this option.

    • Copy definition to the local Application Area and check out. This option is useful if:
      • you do not have the privileges required to modify the original definition in its location
      • the current version of the definition should remain easily available for reuse
      • the definition is checked out by another user


      The system gives you this option even if the definition is already located in the current Application Area.
  4. Click Apply.