Checking In Objects

Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub finalizes an object version when it checks in the version, either explicitly or implicitly, as follows:

  • When you install or clone an object instance, Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub checks in the instance. It also checks in the underlying definition if it is not already checked in.
  • After you explicitly check out an object definition, you can explicitly check it in.
  • When you change the validation status of an object definition or instance, Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub checks it in if it is not already checked in.

To check in an object:

  1. Navigate to the object's screen.
  2. Click Check In. The Check In screen appears.
  3. Type the reason for checking in the object in the Comments field.
  4. Click Apply.


You can check in only those objects that you have checked out, unless you have the Checkin Administrator privileges.

If someone else has checked out the definition and you do not have Checkin Administrator privileges, you cannot check it in. If you are working in an object instance, the username of the person who has checked out the object definition is displayed. If you are working directly on an object definition in an Application Area or Domain, you can find out who has checked out the object by running the All Instances report under Reports in the Actions drop-down list.