Classifying Outputs Before They Are Generated

The process is the same as for classifying object definitions and instances, except that an additional option is available for outputs.

  1. Go to the object—Program, Data Mart, Load Set, or Report Set—that will generate the output you want to classify.
  2. Click the Planned Outputs tab.
  3. Click the link of the Planned Output you want to classify. The Planned Output Properties screen opens.
  4. Select Assign Classification from the Actions drop-down list and click Go. The Classification screen opens.
  5. Classify the Planned Output. Follow instructions at Classifying Objects and Outputs. However, in Programs and Report Sets you have one additional option: an assignment type of Parameter (Classification by Parameter Value).

    If you select Parameter as the Assignment Type, the system adds another column called Parameter instance and populates a drop-down list in that column for the row with the names of all the Parameter instances in the Program or Report Set instance. Select a Parameter that will return a valid value for that classification level.