Creating Application Areas

Application Areas contain Work Areas for the different life cycle stages of a single application. They also contain any object definitions that are created specifically for their application through one of their Work Areas.

To create an Application Area:
  1. In a Domain, click Create Application Area. The Create Application Area screen appears.
    Alternatively, on the main Applications screen, click the Create Child icon next to the Domain name, then select Application Area and click OK.
  2. Enter values in the following fields:
    1. Name. See Naming Objects.
    2. Description. See Creating and Using Object Descriptions
  3. In the Classification section, select the following for the Application Area:
    1. Subtype. Select a subtype according to your company's policies.
    2. Classification Values. See Classifying Objects and Outputs for instructions.
  4. Click Apply. The Application Area screen appears.
  5. Forward Chain Enabled:
    1. If checked, Programs and other executables in the Application Area can be part of a forward chaining execution process if they are set up for it. This is the default value.
    2. If unchecked, objects in the Application Area cannot be part of a forward chaining process even if they are set up for it.
    To change this setting, click Update, check or uncheck ForwardChain Enabled, and Apply.