Creating a SAS Macro Catalog

To create a SAS Macro Catalog in Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub:

  1. Create a Program of type SAS Macro Catalog. Give it a name and description that describe its purpose (see Creating Source Code).


    You cannot set a Static-reference Source Code as primary. Also, you cannot set a Source Code that points directly to a Program definition as primary.
  2. For each SAS macro you want to store in the Catalog, create a Source Code definition of type Macro.
  3. If the macro does not already exist, create it either in SAS or in the Source Code box. If the source code is on a local computer, upload the source code file (not the compiled binary file) from SAS to Oracle LSH.
  4. Set each macro's Sharable flag to Yes.


    You cannot set any macro Source Code instance that points directly to a Program definition as Sharable.
  5. (Optional) Add a primary Source Code definition of type SAS Program to test to SAS macros you store in the Catalog. Set its Sharable flag to No. Write the source code and upload if necessary.


    This source code is not compiled when the Program is executed because its Sharable flag is set to No.
  6. Test the macros and promote the Catalog to a higher validation status according to your company's policies.