Creating Transitions

Create Transitions in the Workflow's Properties screen, Transitions subtab.

  1. In the Transitions subtab, click Add Transition. The system opens the Create Workflow Transition screen.
  2. Display the From drop-down list. The system displays all the activities you have created for the Workflow.
  3. Select the activity that occurs earlier in the Workflow of the two whose Transition you are defining. For example, if you are defining the Transition between the Workflow Structure Start and the first executable, choose Start in the From column.
  4. From the To drop-down, choose the second activity of the two whose Transition you are defining. This activity will occur immediately following the first if the condition is met.
  5. From the Condition drop-down list, choose the condition you want to apply to the Transition. The choices are:
    • Error. If the first activity of the pair ends in failure (or a Notification times out, or is rejected), the system uses this Transition to determine the next activity.

    • None. The Transition is unconditional. The second activity is fired regardless of the completion status of the first.

    • Success. If the first activity of the pair ends in success (or a Notification of type Approval is approved), the system uses this Transition to determine the next activity.

    • Warning. If the first activity of the pair ends in warning, the system uses this Transition to determine the next activity.


    If you define an unconditional Transition between two activities, you cannot also define conditional Transitions between the same two activities.

  6. Click Apply. The system returns you to the Transitions subtab and displays the Transition you just defined in the last row.

Continue adding Transitions until you have covered all those necessary for the Workflow. Each activity (except Start and End ones) should occur at least once in the From column and once in the To column. If you use Forks or create branches for different outcomes (success or failure), some activities must appear multiple times in either or both columns.