Defining a Join at the Table Level

To define an Oracle LSH Join:

  1. From the Joins subtab on the Properties screen of the Business Area, click Add. The system displays the Join for Business Area screen.
  2. Enter a name for the Join.
  3. Enter a description for the Join (optional).
  4. Click the Search icon to the right of the Table A field.
  5. Click Go to see a list of all the Table Descriptors you have defined for the Business Area. Alternatively, enter the exact name of the Table Descriptor you want, or use special characters if you are unsure of the name (see "Searching" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub User's Guide for instructions).

    The system displays one or more Table Descriptors.

  6. Click the Quick Select icon to select the Table Descriptor you want.


    In an outer join, the system evaluates all the rows of the Table instance you map to the Table Descriptor you define as Table A.

  7. If you want to define an outer join, select Yes in the Table A Outer Join field.
  8. Click the Search icon to the right of the Table B field.
  9. Click Go to see a list of all the Table Descriptors you have defined for the Business Area. Alternatively, enter the exact name of the Table Descriptor you want, or use special characters if you are unsure of the name (see "Searching" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub User's Guide for instructions).

    The system displays one or more Table Descriptors.

  10. Click the Quick Select icon to select the Table Descriptor you want.
  11. Click Apply. See Defining a Join at the Column Level.