Defining a Planned Output

To define a Planned Output:
  1. In the Planned Output subtab of a Program, click Add. The system displays the Planned Output For screen.
  2. Enter values in the following fields:
    • Name. See Naming Objects.

    • Title. Enter text or accept the default value. The system automatically creates the default from the text you entered in the Name field.

    • Description. See Creating and Using Object Descriptions.

    • File Name. You must define a File Name for each defined Planned Output of a Program of any type. For most technology types it must include a file extension. The system converts any spaces you enter to underscores (_). The system uses the File Name to match the actual generated output to the corresponding Planned Output in order to classify the actual output file.

      In a non-SAS Program, refer to the output as the File Name in your source code. In a SAS Program, make the File Name the same as the File Reference Name plus a file extension; for example, if the File Reference Name is out1, make the File Name out1.pdf.

    • Primary. If Yes, indicates that the output file will contain a report on data generated by the Program during execution.

    • Error if generated. If Yes, the system generates an error if Program execution fails to generate the output.

    • Error if not generated. If Yes, the system generates this output only if Program execution fails to generate a Primary Planned Output. Its presence is an indication that the Program failed. You must write the source code to generate the text of the file. Note: You cannot define an Error file as Required.


      You do not need to define a Planned Output for the .log file.

    • File Reference Name. You must define a File Reference Name for each Planned Output of a SAS Program. It should conform to SAS rules. You should also define a File Reference Name if you plan to use an instance of the Program in a Report Set and to pass Report Set Entry properties' values to the Program. Oracle recommends making Planned Output File Reference Names unique within a Program, but this is not enforced.

      The File Reference Name defaults to out1 for the first Planned Output, out2 for the second, and so on.

  3. Click Apply. The system saves the changes and returns you to the Program Instance screen.