Definition Properties

  • Checked Out Status: This field displays the status of the definition: either Checked Out or Checked In. You must check out the definition to modify Columns and Constraints/Indexes. See Understanding Object Versions and Checkin/Checkout for further information.
  • Latest Version: If set to Yes, this Table instance is pointing to the latest version of the Table definition. If set to No, this Table instance is pointing to an older version of the Table definition.
  • Checked Out By: This field displays the username of the person who has the Table definition checked out. See Understanding Object Versions and Checkin/Checkout for further information.
  • Version Label: This field displays the version label, if any, for this definition version.
  • Validation Status: This field displays the current validation status of the Table definition. If you are working directly in the definition in an Application Area or Domain and you have the necessary privileges, you can change the validation status by selecting Validation Supporting Information from the Actions drop-down list. If you are working in an instance of the Table in a Work Area, and you want to change the validation status of the definition, you must go to the definition. See Validating Objects and Outputs for further information.
  • Status: This field displays the installable status of the Table: Installable or Non Installable. See Installation Requirements for Each Object Type.