About Executables as Workflow Activities

Oracle LSH executables—Load Sets, Programs, Report Sets, and Data Marts—are the substance of a Workflow; the purpose of a Workflow is to execute them as a single process, with contingencies for the success or failure of the execution of each one.

You must add executables to the Workflow before you can define Transitions between them or Parameter value propagation. However, you can add executables to the Workflow over time and add or modify Transitions and Parameter value propagation as necessary.

Although you have the option of creating a new executable from within the Workflow, Oracle recommends that you either use an existing validated definition of a Load Set, Program, Report Set, or Data Mart, or create a new one in a Work Area first so that you can test it independently before creating an instance of it in the Workflow. However, this may lead to mapping conflicts; see Mapping Table Descriptors within a Workflow for further information.


Oracle does not support multiple concurrent users developing a Report Set inside a Workflow. If more than one person will work on the Report Set at a time, develop the Report Set directly in a Work Area and add it to the Workflow when it is ready.