Fixed Format Text Data Marts

For a fixed-format Data Mart, Oracle LSH automatically uses the length defined for each Column of the Table Descriptor to determine the number of characters to dedicate to each column value in the output file.

  • For Columns of data type Varchar2, the number of characters dedicated to a column in the output file equals the defined Column length.

  • For Columns of data type Number, the system uses the Column length plus one character for the plus (+) or minus (-) sign and, if the Column's number is defined as having precision, an additional character for the decimal point (or other decimal marker).

  • For Columns of data type Date, the system uses the date format string that is part of the Column definition or, if no format string is defined, uses 20 characters to accommodate the default format, DD-MON-YYYY/HH24:MI:SS.

When the system generates the file, it inserts the actual value for each row and then adds the number of spaces necessary (if any) to reach the number of characters dedicated to that Column. At the end of each record, the system inserts the carriage return appropriate for the operating system.