Forward Chaining

Using forward chaining execution you can automatically update all tables downstream in a data flow that directly or indirectly read from a table when that source table is updated. When the first Program, Load Set, or Workflow in the forward chain runs, it triggers the execution of some or all Programs or other executables that read from the tables it writes to. Those executables can in turn trigger the execution of all Programs or other executables that read from the tables they write to, and so on.

The system detects dependencies and executes the chain in the proper order so that data in all impacted tables is synchronized and all report outputs reflect the latest data. Where there are no dependencies, jobs run in parallel.

Forward chaining can include executables in many Work Areas, Application Areas, and even Domains—unlike Workflows, which are limited to a single Work Area. All executable object types—Load Sets, Programs, Workflows, Report Sets, and Data Marts—can be part of a forward chaining process. Load Sets can only be triggered manually as the first object in a chain, and Data Marts can only be the end of their data flow branch.

You can trigger a forward chain by using the Forward Chaining-enabled Execution Setup of any executable in the chain, and that will trigger the execution of downstream executables in just that downstream branch—those that directly or indirectly read from the tables written to by the executable object you run.

To participate in a forward chain execution, a Program or other executable object instance and related objects must meet all the following conditions:

  • The executable must have an Execution Setup with Forward Chaining enabled.

  • If it is not the first object in the chain, the preceding executables in the chain—the ones that write to the tables it reads from— must have an Execution Setup with Cascade enabled.

  • The Work Area, Application Area, and Domain(s) containing the executable must have Forward Chaining enabled.

  • The executable's validation status must be equal to or greater than its Work Area's Usage Intent.

  • The Work Area's own validation status should be equal to or greater than its Usage Intent.


If the user who submits the forward chain job does not have the privileges to execute any object included in the chain, the system does not execute that object or any objects downstream from it.

If any individual object execution fails, the system does not execute any objects downstream from it. Other subjobs continue unaffected, but the master job status is Failed.

If the system detects a loop in dependencies, the job fails.

By default, all Domains, Application Areas, and Work Areas have Forward Chaining enabled. If it is disabled for a Domain, Application Area, or Work Area, no executables anywhere in the container can participate in forward chaining, even if they meet the other requirements.

The first Execution Setup created for an executable object also has Forward Chaining (and Cascade) enabled by default.

You can change the Forward Chaining and Cascade settings at any level at any time.

Report Only Mode: You can run an executable that qualifies for forward chaining in Order Only mode to produce a report of all the downstream executables that would be executed as part of a forward chain. The report is part of the job's log file.

Starting a Forward Chain Process: When you submit an Execution Setup that has Forward Chaining enabled, select a Data Currency of Most Current Available (Trigger Forward Chain). The system displays the following additional fields:

  • Report Only: Select it to run in Report Only Mode.

  • Desired Top Level Hierarchy: By default this is set to All and all possible objects that are part of the forward chain are included. However, you can limit the scope of the job by selecting a Work Area, Application Area, or Domain above the object being executed that you want to serve as the top level of the hierarchy; objects outside it are not included in the job.