Generic Visualization Business Area Instance Properties

Generic Visualization Business Area instances have the following properties:

  • Schema Name: Enter a unique name for the schema of up to 30 characters. The value is stored in uppercase. Do not use special characters or reserved words; see Naming Objects. Users will be able to use this account to log in to the integrated visualization tool.

    If a schema already exists in the Oracle LSH installation with the same name, the system automatically appends _n to the name, where n is 1 or the next higher integer if there is already a schema name your_name_1 or higher.

  • Default Currency: This setting controls the data viewed by users if they do not explicitly make another selection at login. The default value is Current. If all the source Table instances mapped to the Business Area have the same snapshot label applied and you want users to see that snapshot data by default, select the snapshot label.

  • Default Blinding Access Type: This setting controls the data available to users. Users' privileges also determine which data they can view. Your own privileges determine which values you can set. The possible settings include:

    • NA/Dummy All users, regardless of their privileges, can see data in Table instances whose Blinding flag is set to No and the dummy data in Table instances whose Blinding flag is set to Yes. If all Table instances mapped to Business Area Table Descriptors have their Blinding flag set to No, this is the only option available.

    • Real(Unblinded) If all Table instances whose Blinding flag is set to Yes have a Blinding status of Unblinded, you can set the Default Blinding Access Type to this value. In these Table instances, users with the necessary privileges can see the real, unblinded data, and users without these privileges see the dummy data. All users can see data in Table instances whose Blinding flag is set to No.


    The adapter can allow users with Blind Break privileges on all Table instances whose Blinding flag is set to Yes and whose Blinding Status is set to Blinded to select the Real (Blind Break) option when they log in, regardless of the Default Blinding Access Type. All blind breaks are audited.

  • Table Descriptors: Generic Visualization Business Area Table Descriptors can be mapped to any Table instance type including 'View' Table instances.


    You cannot define Joins, Hierarchies, Parameters, or Source Code for Generic Visualization Business Areas.