Installable Instances and their Definitions

When you install a Work Area, you install the object instances within it and through them, the definitional metadata contained in their source definition objects. Therefore both object definitions and instances have an installation status.

  • Business Area: A Business Area definition is not installable if The Business Area has no Table Descriptors.

  • Business Area Instance: A Business Area instance is not installable if:

    • Its source Business Area definition is not installable

    • Any of its Table Descriptor mappings are incomplete

  • Data Mart: A Data Mart definition is not installable if:

    • It has no Table Descriptors

    • It has any required Parameters with no value set

    • It has any Parameter values that fail validation (either List of Values or programmatic validation)

    • It does not have a value for the Filename attribute

    • The File Name value does not have an extension of .dmp

  • Data Mark Instance: A Data Mart instance is not installable if:

    • Its source Data Mart definition is not installable

    • Any of its Table Descriptor mappings are incomplete

  • Load Set: A Load Set definition is not installable if it has no Table Descriptors

  • Load Set Instance: A Load Set instance is not installable if:

    • Its source Load Set definition is not installable

    • Any of its Table Descriptor mappings are incomplete

  • Program: Program definitions have an additional installation status called "Installable IDE." A Program definition has this status when it has at least one Table Descriptor and all its Table Descriptors are mapped. When a Program has this status, you can install it (from the Program instance screen only, not the Work Area) and view the data in the Table instances mapped to the Program's source Table Descriptors from the IDE. However, you cannot run the Program in Oracle LSH until you have uploaded the source code and installed the Program instance.

    A Program definition is not installable if:

    • The Program contains a Source Code definition that does not contain a source code file

    • The Program contains a Source Code instance whose definition is not installable

    • The Program contains a Table Descriptor whose source Table definition is not installable

  • Program Instance: A Program instance is not installable if:

    • Its source Program definition's status is Not Installable or "Installable IDE"

    • Any of its Table Descriptor mappings are incomplete

  • Report Set: A Report Set definition is not installable if:

    • Parameter instances owned directly by the Report Set or Report Set Entries are not set up to propagate their values to at least one Parameter within a Report Set Entry Program instance

    • Circular Parameter value propagation is defined; for example, the value of an output Parameter of Program instance A is propagated to an input Parameter of Program instance B, and the value of an output Parameter of Program B is propagated to an input Parameter of Program A

    • It contains a Program instance whose status is either Not Installable or Installable IDE.

  • Report Set Instance: A Report Set instance is not installable if:

    • Its source Report Set definition is not installable or "Installable IDE"

    • Any of the Table Descriptor mappings owned by Program instances within the Report Set instance are incomplete

  • Table: A Table definition is not installable if it contains no Columns.

  • Table Instance: A Table instance is not installable if its source Table definition is not installable.

  • Workflow: A Workflow definition is not installable if:

    • The Workflow does not contain one and only one Start Structure and at least one End-type Structure (End_Success, End_Failure, or End_Warning)

    • Each branch of the Workflow does not end with an End-type Structure

    • All of the Workflow's Transitions do not have an activity at each end

    • Each Workflow activity (except Start and End) do not have an activity at each end

    • Parameter instances owned directly by the Workflow are not set up to propagate their value to at least one Parameter within a Workflow activity

    • Parameter linking conflicts with the execution order of the Workflow; for example, if the output Parameter of a Program is linked to the input Parameter of another Program that is set to execute earlier in the Workflow

    • Transitions are circular; that is, a Transition cannot lead from one activity to another that is set to execute earlier in the Workflow. For example, if you define a Transition from Program A to Program B, and another Transition from Program B to Program C, you cannot also define a Transition from Program C to Program A. The system generates an installation status of Not Installable.

      The exception to this rule is that a Transition following a Notification can point to an earlier activity in the Workflow, if there is an End activity defined. For example, a rejection of an Approval-type Notification can lead to a Load Set earlier in the Workflow, so that the Workflow is effectively restarted from that point. The system generates an installation status of: Installable, Includes Circular Reference.

  • Workflow Instance: A Workflow is not installable if:

    • Its source Workflow definition is not installable

    • Any of the Table Descriptor mappings owned by Workflow activities are incomplete

    • There is circular mapping; that is, a Program within the Workflow reads from a Table instance that a subsequently executed Program writes to