Installing Individual Objects

You can install any object by clicking the Install icon in its row. If the object is not installable the system automatically performs automatic mapping by name for any unmapped target Table Descriptors, looking for Table instances of the same name in the current Work Area. If any target Table Descriptors remain unmapped, the system creates Table instances from them in the current Work Area and maps them. The executable object may then be installable; see Installation Requirements for Each Object Type.

If the object is installable, the system performs an upgrade installation for the selected instance and any of the Table instances to which it is mapped that are not already installed. If the object being installed or any of its mapped Table instances is not installable, the installation fails and the system displays an error message with the name of the noninstallable object.

If the object being installed is an Oracle Clinical SAS or Oracle Data Extract Load Set and there are no target Table Descriptors defined, the system automatically creates target Table Descriptors, Table instances, and Table definitions based on all the active SAS or Oracle Data Extract views defined for the selected Oracle Clinical study or study set, and maps the Table Descriptors and corresponding Table instances.