Installing Program Instances

You can install a Program instance directly from its Properties screen, using the Install button, or in its Work Area (see Installing a Work Area and Its Objects). If you are working with an integrated development environment (IDE) you must install the Program instance in order to see source data in the IDE.

When you install a Program instance using the Install button on its Properties screen:

  • The system checks in the Program instance and definition, and also the Table instances in the current Work Area to which the instance is mapped.
  • The system checks if the Program is installable. If not, the system performs Automatic Mapping by Name on any unmapped target Table Descriptors. If the Program is still not installable and there are still unmapped target Table Descriptors, the system creates Table instances in the current Work Area from the target Table Descriptors and maps them.
  • The system attempts to install the Program instance and its source and target Table instances in the current Work Area. The system displays a success or error message. If the installation fails, the error message displays the name of any objects that were not installable.


If any of the Table instances or the Program definition is not installable, the system cannot install the Program instance. See Installation Requirements for Each Object Type for the reasons these objects may not be installable.


To continue working on the Program, check it out. It is possible to work on a Program's source code with the Program definition checked in, but the changes do not take effect until you check out the Program definition, upload the source code, and install the Program instance.