Modifying Table Descriptors

Table Descriptors belong to the Business Area definition, but Table Descriptor mappings belong to the Business Area instance. You must check out the definition to add, remove, or update Table Descriptors, but not to map, unmap, or remap Table Descriptors.

You can remove the existing Table Descriptors and add different ones. See Creating a Business Area for information about the function of Table Descriptors in a Business Area.

Oracle LSH enforces the following rules:

  • You cannot remove a Table Descriptor if any Join or Hierarchy references it.

  • You cannot change a Table Descriptor's source Table definition to a different Table definition if any Join or Hierarchy references the Table descriptor.

  • You cannot remove a Column from a Table Descriptor if any Join or Hierarchy references it.

You can change the Table Descriptor mappings, which are part of the Business Area instance, not the definition; see Mapping Table Descriptors to Table Instances.


Oracle LSH does not prevent all changes that might cause your Business Area to not function properly. For example, you are allowed to change the underlying Variable of a Column even if the Column is part of a Join. However, if you select a Variable that has a different data type, the Join may no longer work.