Process Type

The processing type determines how Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub writes data to the Table instance.

See Data Processing Types for information.

For Table instances that are the target of an Oracle-technology Load Set, you can instead select Create Table as a View from the Process Type drop-down list. No processing type is required because the system does not write data to the Table instance. Instead, you use the Table instance as a pass-through view to see data in the source system. The option appears after you map the Table instance to an Oracle-technology Load Set.


The system prevents you from selecting a processing type that requires a primary or unique key (Reload or Transactional with Audit) until you have done the following:
  • Defined Columns for the Table
  • Defined a primary or unique key for the Table
  • In the Audit Key Constraint field, which appears when you select a processing type that requires a primary or unique key, selected the primary or unique key you want the system to use for auditing. See Data Auditing.