About SAS Data Marts

Oracle LSH supports the following types, or modes, of SAS Data Marts, when you have purchased and installed SAS with Oracle LSH:

  • SAS CPORT: A SAS CPORT Data Mart consists of a single .cport file containing data from all the Table instances mapped to the Data Mart's Table Descriptors.

  • SAS XPORT: A SAS XPORT Data Mart also consists of a single .xpt file containing data from all the Table instances mapped to the Data Mart's Table Descriptors.


    For SAS XPORT format's compatibility with SAS v6, Oracle LSH truncates long Table Column names (variables in a SAS data set) to 8 characters. Also, because of a limitation in SAS v6, you must ensure that Table instances mapped to a SAS XPORT Data Mart do not contain character data longer than 200 characters, to prevent the Data Mart's execution from failing.

  • SAS Data Sets: A SAS Dataset Data Mart includes one .sas7bdat file for each Table Descriptor. If you set the Zip Results Parameter to Zip, all the .sas7bdat files and the .log file are included in a single .zip file.