
Each Work Area is installed to its own set of Oracle database schemas, collectively called an Oracle LSH schema. An Oracle LSH schema encompasses all the installation targets, including Oracle database schemas and file systems.

and Discoverer Plus EULs (created for Work Areas that contain Business Areas for visualizations).

During installation the system determines what schemas are required and creates them.

Each Oracle LSH schema includes a primary Oracle database schema and one or more auxiliary Oracle database schemas. Auxiliary schemas contain compiled PL/SQL code and private synonyms to resolve naming conflicts.

Primary Schema

Each Oracle LSH schema includes one primary schema that owns all installed database objects except the compiled PL/SQL code. The primary schema is name Wcccc_nnnn, where cccc is the company ID and nnnn is the internal hexadecimal ID of the Work Area.

Auxiliary Schemas

Auxiliary schemas contain all the Work Area's compiled PL/SQL code and private synonyms that resolve the object instances referenced in the PL/SQL code to the actual Tables in the primary schema or in the primary schemas of other Work Areas (seeObject Name Resolution).

The auxiliary schemas are named Wcccc_nnnn_x, where nnnn is the internal hexadecimal ID of the Work Area and x is a unique identifier for the auxiliary schema.

Business Areas have a similar naming scheme but have _d appended