Setting the Blind Break Value

This setting is relevant only when one or more source Table instances either currently or formerly contained blinded data (whose Blinding Flag is set to Yes).

Special privileges are required to view real blinded or real unblinded data in these Table instances. You must have these special privileges on all such Tables, in order to see real data in any of them.


You must have Read Data privileges in order to see any data at all.

The following choices are available depending both on the state of the data and on your security privileges:

  • Not Applicable. If none of the data has ever been blinded, the only option available is Not Applicable. No special privileges are required.
  • Dummy. This is the only option available to you if you do not have blinding-related privileges for blinded Tables. You can also see this option if you have blinding-related privileges. In that case, you can select this option to work with dummy (not real) data in the IDE.
  • Real (Blind Break). If any of the data is currently blinded, and you have the required privileges, you can select this option to view real data in the IDE, according to your company's policies.


    Blind Breaks are not allowed in SAS Connected Mode With Work Area Data. Therefore, if you select Real (Blind Break) in SAS Connected Mode With Work Area Data, you cannot see any data in SAS. See Connecting to SAS.
  • Real (Unblinded). If a blinded Table instance has now been unblinded, you can see real data for the Table instance, provided you have the required privileges. If there are more than one such Table instances, you need the required privileges for all of them to be able to use this option.