System Parameter Values

The XML message must supply valid values for all System Parameters whose value should be different from the default values defined in the Execution Setup. The System Parameters included in the schema are:

  • Submission Type: The XML message must supply a submission type of either Immediate or Deferred. If Immediate, the system executes the job immediately after receiving and processing the message. If Deferred, the system executes the job at a date and time specified in the message using the format DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI (for example, 31-MAY-2010 13:45). If, at submission time, the supplied scheduled time is in the past, the job will be executed immediately.

  • Run Mode: If you are using the Reload processing type, the XML message must supply a run mode of either Full or Incremental. See Data Processing Types.

  • Execution Priority: The XML message must supply an execution priority of either Normal, Low, or High.

  • Notification Type: The XML message must specify under what circumstances the system should send the user a notification. You can specify one or more of the following values:

    • None. The system never sends a notification to the user.

    • Success. The system sends a notification to the user if the job executes successfully.

    • Failure. The system sends a notification to the user if the job execution fails.

    • Warning. The system sends a notification to the user if the job ends with a warning.

    • Error. The system sends a notification to the user if the job end with an error.

  • Data Currency Type: The XML message must specify the data currency type of the data, and the Execution Setup must be defined appropriately for that type.

    • Current. The system runs the job on data that is current in the immediate source tables at the time of execution.

    • Backchain. The system uses backchaining to find the most current data available. The Execution Setup must have a submission type of Immediate or Deferred and a data currency type of Most Current Available. The Execution Setups for Programs feeding data to the source tables must have a submission type of Backchain. See Backchaining for further information.


      The system does not support using message-triggered submission on data snapshots. Do not enter Snapshot as a value.

  • Snapshot Label: If you want the job to apply a snapshot label to Oracle LSH data, enter one of the following values:

    • Target. If set to Target, the system applies a snapshot label to target Table instances only.

    • Both. If set to Both, the system applies a snapshot label to both source and target Table instances.

  • Label: If you enter either Target or Both as the value for Snapshot Label, enter the text of the label as this Parameter value.

  • Blind Break Flag: The XML message must indicate whether this job is being run on real, blinded data. All Oracle LSH security rules pertaining to blinding apply to message-triggered jobs. The submitting user must have the required privileges or the job does not run.

    • No. A value of No indicates that the job is not a blind break. This is the default value.

    • Yes. A value of Yes indicates the job is to be run on real, blinded data.

  • Force Execution Flag: The XML message must indicate whether or not to execute the job even if the resulting output will be the same as for the last execution.

    • Yes. If set to Yes, the system always executes the job.

    • No. If set to No, the system compares the executable definition version, the Parameter settings, and the source data currency for the previous execution of the same executable with the current ones and does not execute the job if they are all the same. The system sends a Notification to the Home page of the user who submitted the job stating that the job was not executed.