Upgrading to a Different Definition Version from an Instance

To make an object instance point to a different version of its source definition, do the following:

  1. If the version of the definition to which you want to upgrade is not already checked in, navigate to it in its Domain or Application Area and check it in.
  2. Navigate to the object instance in a Work Area.
  3. From the Actions drop-down list, select Upgrade Instance.
  4. Click Go. The system displays the available versions of the object definition in the lower portion of the screen.

    For each version of the definition, the system displays the following information:

    • Version. The version number of the definition version.
    • Name. The name of the definition version.
    • Description. The description entered for the definition version.
    • Status. The definition version's installation status.
    • Validation Status. The definition version's validation status.
    • Version Label. The label associated with the definition version, if any.
    • Checked Out By. If the definition version is checked out, the system displays the username of the person who checked it out. You cannot upgrade to a version that is checked out, and only the person who checked it out can check it in.
  5. Click the icon in the Upgrade column for the version to which you want to point the instance. The icon of the version to which the instance is currently pointing is grayed out.


    You can select an older version than the one to which the instance is currently pointing. This is useful if you want to undo an earlier upgrade.