Using a SAS Format Catalog

If your SAS code operates on data sets that require SAS formats for the proper expression of their data, you must include the formats in yourOracle Life Sciences Data Hub SAS Program (see Defining SAS Programs).

When you create a SAS Program in Oracle LSH that needs to use an Oracle LSH SAS Format Catalog, do the following:

  1. In the Oracle LSH SAS Program, create a secondary Source Code object as an instance of an existing Source Code definition (see Creating an Instance of an Existing Source Code Definition).
    If the Format Catalog includes a Table Descriptor for use as a static reference, select the Static Reference radio button.
  2. In the Search screen, choose the Domain or Domain and Application Area where the Format Catalog is located and select the SAS Format Catalog radio button. If you know the exact name of the Catalog you need, you can enter it.
  3. Press Go. The system displays all the SAS Format Catalogs in the location you specified—or, if you supplied the exact name of a Catalog, lists only that Catalog.
  4. Select the Catalog you want by selecting the box next to it in the Select column and click the Select button. The system adds the Catalog as a Source Code instance to your Program and returns you to the Program's Properties screen.


    If you create an instance of a static reference Source Code definition, Oracle LSH adds the Table Descriptor(s) to the Program.

You can now use any of the formats in your Program. At execution they are added to your work library and you can call them by name from the primary source code, for example:.