About View Table Instances

You can only create a View Table instance by installing a View Program. You cannot create or update a View Table instance from the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub User Interface or through APIs. Once created, the target Table Descriptor cannot be unmapped from its Table instance.

If you remove a View Program instance, its corresponding target Table instance is also removed.

If you modify the SELECT statement before installing the program, the system synchronizes the Target Table Descriptor and the Table instance at the time of install.

A View Table instance has full currency traceability and can be used as a source table for other Oracle LSH Programs, Data Marts and Business Areas. Every time you access the view's current data, a currency timestamp is applied to the View Table.

You can use the Browse Data UI to view data in the View Table instance. You can use the Apply Snapshot Label UI to select snapshot labels for all source Tables and apply a snapshot label to the target View Table instance. You can remove a snapshot label using the Manage Snapshot Label UI.

The validation status of a View Table instance must always be equal to or lower than that of the source Table instances.

Any destructive change to a source Table Instance invalidates the View Table instance. You must update and reinstall the View Program to resolve differences. The system does not allow you to remove source Tables if the validation status of a View Table instance is Production.