About Workflows

Workflows allow you to create a single automated process that includes multiple steps, or activities, with conditional branching. The activities can include Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub (Oracle LSH) executables—Load Sets, Programs, Report Sets, and Data Marts—and Structures such as Fork, And, and Or.

Using a single Workflow you can, for example:

  • Load data from SAS and Oracle Clinical into Oracle LSH, write Programs to combine, transform and report the data, combine the results into a Report Set, and notify the appropriate people that the Report Set is available

  • Use the results of one Program in a subsequently executed Program in the same Workflow

  • Use Programs that run on different applications, such as SAS and PL/SQL, in the same Workflow

  • Generate a Report Set or Data Mart intended for submission to a regulatory agency and send Notifications to the appropriate people requesting their formal approval before sending the Report Set or Data Mart to the regulatory agency

  • Include Program outputs in the zipped file of a Data Mart