
Oracle LSH uses the classification system you set up to create a customized user interface in the Reports tab for both the Outputs and Visualizations subtabs.

You can create hierarchies of categories that are logically related to one another, so that Oracle LSH displays outputs within that hierarchical structure, like the folder structure on a PC.

For example, if you have multiple projects, multiple studies in each project, and multiple sites in each study, you can create a hierarchy with three levels: Project, Study, and Site. Enter all your actual project names in the Project level, all study names in the Study level, and all site names in the Site level, noting which sites are part of which studies and which studies are part of which projects.

In the Reports tab, Oracle LSH displays a folder for each project, labeled with the project name. Each project folder contains a folder for each of the studies in that project as well as all reports classified to that project as a whole. Each study folder contains a folder for each of the sites in that study, as well as all reports classified to that study as a whole. Each site folder contains all reports classified to that site.

Alternatively, within each study you could have folders for reports on demography and adverse events reports, for example.


Oracle LSH executable objects can produce outputs as follows: Programs can produce reports; Report Sets generate sets of reports; Data Marts produce files in text, SAS data sets or transport files, or Oracle Export format containing large amounts of data; and SAS and text Load Sets may produce the text or SAS file loaded as an output. All executables can also produce log files, but these are not displayed in the Reports screen directly; they are available as a link from the main screen for each output.