Division > Department > Group

The company organization hierarchy allows people to browse for reports that pertain to their own group in the corporate structure. It has three levels: Division > Department > Group.

The Division level is the highest and includes as values the names of all corporate divisions that use Oracle LSH; for example, Development or Manufacturing. The Department level is the middle level and includes all departments that use Oracle LSH, related to their division. For example, the Development division value is linked to the Department values Biometrics, Clinical Science, and Project Management. The Group level is lowest and includes groups within the departments that use Oracle LSH; for example, the Biometrics department value is linked to Group values Data Management and Statistics, and the Clinical Science department is linked to Group values Clinical Pharmacology and Cardiology.

In this example, reports are always classified to the Group level. The Division and Department levels serve only to organize the groups into the correct structure to make the reports easier to find in the Reports window.