Example Users

In this example, you might have the following users:

  • Karl Martin. Karl is a programmer who works on both studies in Project 123. He is assigned to the following user groups: Project 123 Domain user group, Study 123ABC Development user group, and Study 123DEF Development user group.

    In the Domain user group he has the View All Definitions role. In the two study user groups he has the Programmer role.

  • Sylvia Green. Sylvia is the data manager for Project 123. She is assigned to the following user groups: Project 123 Domain user group, Study 123ABC Development user group, Study 123ABC Quality Control user group, Study 123ABC Production user group, Study 123DEF Development user group, Study 123DEF Quality Control user group, Study 123DEF Production user group.

    In the Project 123 Domain user group she has the Librarian role. In the other user groups she has the Data Manager role.

  • Sanjay Rao. Sanjay is a statistician working on both Project 123 and Project 456. He is assigned to the Production Work Area user group for all studies in Project 123 and all studies in Project 456.

    In each user group he has the Statistician role, allowing him to see and execute Clinical Programs, Report Sets, Workflows, and Business Areas. He also has the Permanently Unblind role and the LSH Data Unblind User application role, allowing him to permanently unblind study data and view the results.

  • Sining Chen. Sining is an investigator for Study 123ABC. He is assigned to the Study 123ABC Production Work Area user group with the Investigator and Data Blind Break roles.

    He can see reports and create data visualizations for Study 123ABC and create a Blind Break during the trial if necessary.