Installing Work Areas

When you install a Work Area for the first time, the system creates a new set of database schemas (called an Oracle LSH Schema). The installation process also instantiates object definitions in the database through the Work Area's defined object instances. There are three installation modes:

  • Full installation drops and replaces all objects. Any data already loaded into the schema is lost. It may be useful during development and testing to replace all objects and delete data that may be corrupted.
  • Upgrade installation changes only objects whose version numbers have incremented since the previous installation, and preserves data by upgrading Tables instead of dropping and replacing. You can explicitly omit objects from an upgrade installation. Upgrade is the only installation mode allowed in Work Areas with a Usage Intent of Production.
  • Partial installation enables multiple Definers to work in the same Work Area. Partial installation includes only objects that are not explicitly omitted and whose version number has incremented since the previous installation. The person who runs the installation can choose whether to upgrade or drop and replace Tables.

Newly created objects are automatically excluded from installation until their Omitted flag is explicitly unchecked. When a Definer is ready to install and test an object, he or she unchecks the flag. The object is included in the next Work Area installation, which may be started by the same Definer or someone else with the necessary privileges.

For further information, see "Using, Installing, and Cloning Work Areas" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.