
If you set it to Yes, then all objects created using that subtype must have at least one classification value for the hierarchy level. For example, if you assign the level Project > Study to the Clinical Output subtype as Mandatory, all Clinical outputs must be classified to at least one study name.

The Oracle LSH Reports tab display is arranged hierarchically by classification values. If an output is not classified at all, it does not appear in the Reports tab. Therefore you may want to make at least one classification level mandatory for outputs you want to see in the Reports screen. If you have set up an organizational structure and classification system to work together, you can set a value for Study, for example, at the Work Area level and make the Study level value inherited by all object instances and outputs, so that outputs automatically receive the Study value set for their Work Area (see Allowing Classification by Inheritance).


If an output is not classified, you can still find it by searching on its name or other attributes.