Defining Services

This section includes the topics on service types, priorities, and instances.

For each service location, define services as follows:

  • One or more services for each XML Publisher, SAS, Oracle Reports, and Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services instance engine installed on that computer
  • One and only one service for PL/SQL as a processing engine
  • One and only one service for each IDE service type

For the service location you specify the maximum number of jobs (across all services) that can run simultaneously.

For non-PL/SQL processing engine service types, you may want to define more than one service in order to allow jobs with different priorities to run on the same computer. For example, if you have both SAS and Oracle Reports installed on the same computer, you might define the following services for that service location:

  • One high-priority SAS service with two instances allowed
  • One normal-priority SAS service with seven instances allowed
  • One normal-priority Oracle Reports service with five instances allowed
To define a Service on a Service Location:
  1. In the Administration tab, click the Service Locations subtab. The Service Locations screen opens.
  2. Click Service Location. The Service Location screen opens.
  3. Click the Location Name of the Service Location where you want to create a Service. The Maintain Service Locations screen opens.
  4. Click Create Service. The Services screen opens.
  5. Enter values in the following fields:
    • Service Type. Select a value from the drop-down list. For a description of each type, see Service Types.
    • Description. Enter a description of the service.
    • Service Priority. Select a value from the drop-down list. You must define each service as High, Normal, or Low priority. See Service Prioritization for further information. IDE service types do not use this attribute.
    • Number of Instances. Enter the number of jobs you want to allow to use this service at the same time. See Service Instances for further information.
    • Launch Wait Time. Enter the length of time (in seconds) for the program to start executing after the message to start the program is sent to the DP Server Listener. Set to a value long enough that even a busy service will have time to receive and process the message —but not too long or error recovery is adversely affected. (Oracle recommends 30 - 120 seconds.)
    • Reuse Wait Time. Enter the length of time (in minutes) that you want the system to wait after the start of a program's execution until it starts checking whether a program is still executing when the system is looking for available service instances. Set to an interval large enough to allow most programs of the service's technology type to complete.


      For PSQL service types, Oracle recommends setting the reuse wait time to 720 minutes. For other service types, configure the reuse wait time from anywhere between 30 minutes to 720 minutes.
    • Default Resource Group. Enter the name of an Oracle database resource group to set the Oracle database priority for jobs using this service. For more information, see the Oracle® Database Administrator's Guide
    • Execution Command. Enter one of the following:
      • For services used to launch an IDE, enter the URL of the development or visualization environment.
      • For services used to execute a job, enter the complete directory path and filename for the UNIX or Windows execution command script required for the service type. The service instance launches this script in order to run a job. The script must be located in the DP Server Home directory or a subdirectory of it. Instructions for copying and editing the sample execution command scripts, which are located in $CDR_TOP/admin/template, are included in the "Install the Distributed Processing Server" section of the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Installation Guide.
      You can customize the script to change the OS execution priority of the program to correspond to the service's priority; see Service Prioritization.

      The sample scripts include:

      • for Text Data Marts
      • for SAS Programs
      • for Oracle Export Data Marts
      • for Oracle Reports Programs
      • sqlplus for PL/SQL Programs
      • txtNormal for Text Load Sets
      • for post-processing Report Sets
      • for the Oracle LSH system reports and for coversheets for outputs
      • obieeinstall.cmd for Oracle Business Intelligence Business Areas based on OBIEE 12c. See Setting Up Oracle Business Intelligence Visualizations.
      • obieedeploy.cmd for Oracle Business Intelligence Business Areas based on OBIEE 12c. See Setting Up Oracle Business Intelligence Visualizations.
      • for creating Tables from a zipped file and Text Load sets
    • Root Directory. Enter the directory to be used as the ROOT of the directory structure where jobs will execute. The DP Server creates a subdirectory in the root directory for each job, named with the job ID; for example:

      root dir/3233210001

      where the job ID is 3233210001. This directory will hold all the files and/or additional directories needed for the job to run.

    • Enabled. If set to Yes, this service is available for use.
    • Grant Connect. If set to Yes, the service can connect to the database to retrieve and manipulate data. If the service does not need to connect to the database, set to No.


      Set Grant Connect to No for the Workflow service.
    • Grant Resource. If set to Yes, the execution accounts can create tables in the Service Instance account.


      Set Grant Resource to No for the Workflow service and to Yes for the Oracle Export service.
    • Set Synonym. If set to Yes, synonyms are created when the user connects to the database to run the job or the development environment.


      Set the value of Set Synonym to No for the Workflow and Oracle Export services.
    • Details. This field takes different values for different adapters. Not all adapters use this field but it is mandatory for the adapters that do. The following adapters use it as follows:
      • OBIEE Business Area Install Service. If the service location is a UNIX computer, enter: os=unix

        See Setting Up Oracle Business Intelligence Visualizations for more information.

      • OBIEE Business Area Deploy Service. Enter the values described below, delimited by commas:

        DSN. Enter the DSN name if you are using an ODBC system DSN or provide the EZCONNECT method using the source Oracle LSH database server name, for example, hostname:portno/servicename for dsn name.

        Call Interface. Enter ODBC if you are using an ODBC system DSN, or OCI12c if you are using OCI12c.

        RPD. Enter the name of the OBI repository file you defined for this computer in the NQSConfig.ini file on the BI Server. The name must be an exact match of the value there, except the value here should not include the .rpd extension. Oracle recommends using the computer name to help ensure consistency.

        Version. If you are using OBIEE 12c, add the string ver=12c at the end.


        If you are using an ODBC DSN with OBIEE 12c:


        For example: dsn=myhost:1521/mydbsid,callinterface=OCI12C,rpd=myrpd_win2016,ver=12c

      • SAS with SQL*Loader. If you are running the SAS and the SQL*Loader services on the same DP server computer for the purpose of bulk loading SAS data sets, enter the absolute path of the SQL*Loader executable in this field for the SAS service.
    This section contains the following topics: