Create the Distributed Processing Server User Account

You must run a script to create the Distributed Processing (DP) Server database account cdr_dpserver and set its password. Use this account to start the DP Server.


When you start the DP Server on each service location, you need this password. You should change the default password for use within your company.

To change a password:

  1. Log in to SQL*Plus.

  2. Enter the following:

    alter user old_password identified by new_password

To run the script:

  1. Log in to the application server.

  2. Source the RUN file system environment file from the Oracle LSH application server by using the following command:

    source /<BASE_LOCATION>/EBSapps.env RUN

  3. Go to $CDR_TOP/patch/115/sql.

  4. Log in to SQL*Plus as apps

  5. Run the script:


    At the prompt, enter the password you want to use for the cdr_dpserver account.

  6. Exit from SQL*Plus.