Database Tier

The Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub database tier includes the following:

  • Oracle Enterprise Edition RDBMS. All of the Oracle LSH database tier components use the Oracle Enterprise Edition database server and database.

  • Oracle Applications Schema. The Oracle Applications Schema is the schema installed as part of the Oracle Applications installation.

  • Oracle Workflow. Oracle LSH uses Oracle Workflow to allow users to create and execute Workflow programs. Oracle Workflow is installed with Oracle Applications.

  • Oracle Thesaurus Management System (TMS). Oracle LSH uses the TMS database tier internally to run its classification system, which is a required part of Oracle LSH functionality.

Oracle Enterprise Edition RDBMS

All of the Oracle LSH database tier components use the Oracle Enterprise Edition database server and database.

Oracle Applications Schema

The Oracle Applications Schema is the schema installed as part of the Oracle Applications installation. It contains the Oracle LSH schema.

Oracle LSH Database Server and Schema

These include the Oracle LSH business logic in PL/SQL packages, internal Oracle LSH tables and views, security, adapters, and APIs; as well as Oracle LSH user-developed metadata tables and packages.

Oracle Workflow

Oracle LSH uses Oracle Workflow to allow users to create and execute Oracle LSH Workflow Programs. Oracle Workflow is installed with Oracle Applications.

Oracle Thesaurus Management System (TMS)

The Oracle LSH classification system is based on TMS.