Install the CdrRuntime.jar File

  1. On the Oracle LSH server, navigate to the $CDR_TOP/jar folder. It contains the file.
  2. Copy the file to the Oracle database server in any temporary location. Then enter this command to unzip the file and extract CdrRuntime.jar:
  3. Run the following commands as an Oracle home owner on the Oracle database server to load the java files to the database.
    First, execute the following command:
    dropjava -force -thin -user apps/<password> @(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<DB hostname>)(PORT=<DB port number>))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<DB service name>))) CdrRuntime.jar
    Then, execute this command:
    loadjava -force -thin -user apps/<password>@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<DB host name>)(PORT=<DB port number>))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<DB service name>))) CdrRuntime.jar
  4. Run this query to return a set of alter java commands that should be run to compile invalid classes:
    'alter java class "'
    || object_name
    || '" compile;'
    object_type = 'JAVA CLASS'
    and object_name LIKE '%cdr%'
    AND status = 'INVALID';
  5. Connect to PDB as APPS user and run the statements returned by the above query.
  6. Rerun the query mentioned in step 4 and confirm that it does not return any rows.


    If the query returns rows, execute the statements returned again. Repeat this process until the SQL does not return any rows.