Load the Adapter Files

Oracle LSH includes predefined adapters that control the interaction between Oracle LSH and other systems. The Oracle LSH LOB Loader concurrent program finds all the adapter SQL files and loads them into a table in Oracle LSH.

To run the Oracle LSH LOB Loader:

  1. Follow steps in Log On to Oracle Applications.

  2. Click Submit a New Request. The Submit a New Request window opens.

  3. Select Single Request and click OK.

  4. Click the gray LOV button on the right of the Name field. The Reports List of Values opens.

  5. Select LSH LOB Loader Concurrent Program and click OK.

  6. Click Submit.

  7. Click OK. A window pops up with the job ID and asks if you want to submit another request.

  8. Click No.

To monitor the concurrent program's progress:

  1. Click Find.
  2. Click Refresh Data periodically to update the execution phase and status displayed on screen.

When the status is Complete you can view the log file by clicking the View Log button.


  • Always check the log file because the phase may be Complete and the status Normal, but the program may not have successfully completed all its tasks.
  • If you see this message in the log file: "ORA-20001: APP-FND-02901: You do not have access privilege to any operating unit. Please check if your profile option MO: Security Profile includes any operating unit or the profile option MO: Operating Unit is set. has been detected in MO_GLOBAL.INIT," see ORA-20001: APP-FND-02901 Errors Running Collections or Plan in 12.2 OR in Trying to View Request Log from Legacy Collections Self Service In R12.0/12.1 (Document ID 981828.1) on My Oracle Support.
  • If you see this message in the log file: "ERROR: LOBLoaderCP.runProgram() Exception String index out of range: -1", see Problems Encountered During the Installation of LSH 2.2, Upgrade to LSH 2.2, and Execution of its Verification Tests (Document ID 1327829.1) on My Oracle Support.