Run the Post-Installation Concurrent Program

Run the Job: To run the Oracle LSH post-installation concurrent process:

  1. Click Submit a New Request under one of the following circumstances:

    • in the Requests window you used to monitor the Oracle LSH LOB Loader concurrent process

    • after following the steps in Log On to Oracle Applications

  2. Select Single Request and click OK. The Submit Request window opens.

  3. Click the gray LOV button on the right of the Name field. The Reports List of Values opens.

  4. Select LSH: Post Installation Program and click OK. The Parameters pop-up window appears.

  5. Enter values for the following Parameters:


    Carefully set the following parameters. You cannot change the values for some of the parameters after you run the job.

    • Company ID. The company ID serves as part of the primary key for all the Oracle LSH objects you define in this instance of Oracle LSH.

    • Owning Location. Enter the name of your Oracle Applications instance.

    • Object Sequence Start Value. Enter a single digit. The system will end all object IDs with this digit to further distinguish objects created in this Oracle LSH instance.

    • Object Sequence Start Value. Leave blank. The system will end all object IDs with the number 1.

    • Database Host Name. Enter the machine name of the database server instance.

    • Database Port Number. Enter the port number of the database server instance.

  6. Click Submit. A window pops up with the job ID and asks if you want to submit another request.

  7. Note the job ID and click No.

Monitor the Process: To monitor the concurrent process's progress:

  1. Click Find. Use the job ID to search for the process.
  2. Click Refresh Data periodically to update the execution phase and status displayed on screen.
  3. When the phase is Complete, click the View Log.


    Always check the log file, because the phase may be Complete and the status Normal and yet the process may not have successfully completed all its tasks. In such case, contact Health Sciences Support.

    Check the log file to make sure it did the following:

    • Set the company ID

    • Set the owning location

    • Recreated the cdr_object_id_seq with the start value you provided

    • Inserted one record each in the cdr_namings and cdr_naming_versions tables for the instance domain


      The job does the above only the first time it runs.

    • Set the profile to check if the post-installation has been run for this site.