Run the Start Maintenance Script

Before you upgrade any of the software, follow the steps in this procedure to start the maintenance activity.

To run the Start Maintenace script:

  1. Download or copy the maintenance start script file from the Oracle LSH application server (EBS Middle Tier server) $CDR_TOP/patch/115/sql/cdrmaintstart.sql to the database server’s ORACLE_HOME location or any other preferred location.

  2. From the database server, log in to SQL*Plus (not SQL Developer) as the APPS database user.

  3. Enter this command to stop the study health monitor scheduler:


  4. Enter this command to execute the script:

    SQL> @cdrmaintstart.sql

  5. Check the log file.

    The log file validates the success of the Start Maintenance process and provides a maintenance ID. For example, it lists messages to show what it found up and running and what it stopped (such as the message queue and job queue).