Start the Message Queue

  1. Connect to PDB as apps user.
  2. Make sure the queue is stopped. View the log:
    select MESSAGE from cdr_msg_queues_log order by log_message_id;
    If the most recent statement is the following, the queue is stopped.
    End Procedure cdr_exe_msg_submission.process_queues() 
    If not, stop the queue:
    begin cdr_exe_msg_queues_admin.stop_processing_queues; end; / 
    Wait until you see the "End Procedure" statement in the log.
  3. After the queue is stopped, start and enable the queue:
  4. Check that the queue is started and enabled:
    select MESSAGE from cdr_msg_queues_log order by log_message_id;
    The output should contain the following statements (there may be Submission statements after these):
    Begin Procedure cdr_exe_msg_submission.process_queues() 
    dequeued from control Q: _MSGCONTROL_ENABLE