8 Upgrade the Thesaurus Management System Database (TMS) to Release 5.4

Upgrade the Oracle TMS database components required to support the Oracle LSH classification system. To upgrade to TMS 5.4:

  1. Upgrade the Oracle TMS Database Server Code on a Windows computer as described in Oracle Thesaurus Management System Release 5.4 Installation Guide, which is on the media pack. For more details, see https://docs.oracle.com/en/industries/health-sciences/thesaurus-system/5.4/install/index.html.

  2. Upgrade the Oracle TMS Database to 5.4 as described in Oracle Thesaurus Management System Release 5.4 Installation Guide, which is on the media pack. For more details, see https://docs.oracle.com/en/industries/health-sciences/thesaurus-system/5.4/install/index.html.