Accessing Oracle Clinical Data in TMS

Oracle Clinical sends information to TMS about the origin of each verbatim term occurrence. This information is stored in the TMS database, allowing you to query on Oracle Clinical-specific information within TMS. This external system information is available in the following TMS windows:

  • Classify VT Omissions

  • Approve VTAs

  • Approve Action Assignments

  • Browse VT Classification Data

  • High-Level Reclassification

  • Reclassify Verbatim Terms

The information includes the following database columns: Project, Study, DCM, Document Number, Visit, Patient, Discrepancy ID, and Investigator. In addition, you can choose to make details available for any of the above columns. This requires building an Oracle Clinical view and granting TMS users access privileges to the view. See Define Column Details for more information.