Browsing Informative Notes

Informative Notes are data structures that add detail to terms, relations, VTAs, and dictionaries in the TMS Repository. Browsing a term or relation's Informative Notes in the Browse Informative Notes window enables you to:

  • Hyperlink to internal or external documents about this data record.
  • Browse character large objects defined for this term or relation.
  • View the Informative Notes that were defined for a record at any point in the history of a TMS dictionary.

To browse the Informative Notes for a term or relation record:

  1. In the Browse Repository Data window, select the term or relation you want to investigate:
    • To browse a term's Informative Notes, query for and select the term in the middle block.
    • To browse a relation's Informative Notes, query for one of the relation's terms in the middle block, then choose the relation from the upper block.
  2. Click Informative Notes. TMS opens the Browse Informative Notes window and displays Informative Notes associated with your selected data record.

    For term records, TMS displays both the Informative Notes the term inherits from its dictionary and those specifically defined for the term. For relation records, TMS displays only the Informative Notes defined specifically for the relation. Figure 13-1 shows the Informative Notes for a relation record.

Figure 13-1 Figure 13-1 Browse Informative Notes Window for a Relation Record

Description of "Figure 13-1 Browse Informative Notes Window for a Relation Record"

This relation, United States – Broader Term Partitive – Massachusetts, has three Informative Notes attributed to it:

  • A related site for this relation, which you can click to launch a Web browser showing the listed location.
  • An ID that reflects the source dictionary's ID number for this relation.
  • A character large object, giving more information about the approval of this relation in the TMS Repository. Double-click the word MEMO in the Value field or choose the drill-down option to view the contents of this Informative Note.