Term Statuses

TMS uses the following statuses:


Verbatim Term Omission: Terms that cannot be coded by the Autoclassification process are called omissions. Substatus: CRE (Created).

  • CRE (Created). A verbatim term is not through Autoclassification and enters the pool of omissions (no prior status).

  • RCRE (Recreated). A VTA is declassified, returning to the omissions pool (from status VTA_D).

  • UNALLOC (Unallocated). An omission is deallocated, returning to the unallocated omissions pool (from status VTO_ALLOC).


Allocated Verbatim Term Omission: When an omission is allocated to a user as a task (for classification), TMS gives it a status of VTO_ALLOC. Substatuses:

  • CRE (Created). The omission was allocated to a coder directly without passing through the VTO state (no prior status).

  • ALLOC (Allocated). The omission was allocated to a coder through pool allocation (from status VTO or, if this is a re-allocation, from status VTO_ALLOC) or through manual allocation.

  • RCRE (Recreated). Either an omission's Action assignment has been deleted or a VTA has been de; the term re-enters TMS as an omission and is allocated.


Unapproved Verbatim Term Assignment: The system gives this status when a user manually creates an unapproved VTA for a term and when Autoclassification finds a direct match between a term and an unapproved VTA. Substatuses:

  • CRE (Created). The classification was performed by a coder or approver on a term (from status VTO, VTO_ALLOC, ACT_INT, ACT_ALLOC, ACT_EXT, or no prior status).

  • RCRE (Recreated). The verbatim was previously in status VTA_UA, then was not, and now is again; for example, when a verbatim term is declassified and then again to an unapproved VTA.

  • REC (Re). The verbatim term has been reclassified but is still an unapproved VTA.

  • UNALLOC (Deallocated). An allocated VTA is turned back to the unallocated pool (from status VTA_ALLOC).


Allocated Unapproved VTA: The system gives this status when an unapproved VTA is allocated to a user for approval.

  • ALLOC (Allocated). An unapproved VTA is allocated to an approver (through pool or manual allocation) for review (from status VTA_UA).

  • CRE (Created). An omission is to an unapproved VTA and directly allocated to an approver. The verbatim term may or may not be associated with an Action (from status VTO_ALLOC, ACT_INT, ACT_ALLOC, or ACT_EXT).


Approved Verbatim Term Assignment: The system gives this status to terms automatically to Approved VTAs, and to unapproved VTAs after they are approved, and to terms that are in a dictionary/domain combination where approval of VTAs is not required. Substatuses:

  • CRE (Created) (from status VTO, VTA_ALLOC, VTO_ALLOC, ACT_INT, ACT_ALLOC, r ACT_EXT, or no prior status).

  • RCRE (Recreated). The verbatim was previously in status VTA_A, then was not, and now is again; for example, when a verbatim term is declassified and then again.

  • REC (Re). The verbatim term has been reclassified.


Declassified Verbatim Term Assignment: The system gives this status to VTAs that are declassified. Substatuses:

  • DEC (Declassified) The verbatim term is declassified (from status VTA_UA, VTA_ALLOC, or VTA_A).

  • DEL (Deleted). The verbatim term associated with a VTA is changed, so the VTA is deleted (from status VTA_UA, VTA_ALLOC, or VTA_A).


VT Globally Resolved: The system gives this status to verbatim terms when a domain VTA is promoted to a global VTA. Substatuses:

  • CRE (Created). The system gives this substatus to the to the domain VT that is now globally resolved.

  • DEC (Declassified). The system gives this substatus to the old domain VTA (from any VTA_ status). The Declassified substatus refers to the fact that the domain-specific VTA is declassified and supplanted by the global VTA.

  • RCRE (Recreated). The verbatim was previously in status VTA_GL, then was not, and now is again; for example, when a verbatim term is declassified from a global VTA and then again to a global VTA.


VTI (Verbatim Term Individual): The system gives this status to verbatim term omission is classified as a Verbatim Term Individual in a dictionary with nonunique terms in its classification level. Substatuses:

  • CRE (Created). The system gives this substatus to the to VTI when it is initially created.

  • RCRE (Recreated). The VTI was previously declassified and is now reclassified.


VTI Declassified: The system gives this status to a VTIs when it is declassified. Substatuses:

  • DEL (Deleted). The system gives this substatus to the to the VTI when it is deleted.

  • DEC (Declassified). The system gives this substatus to a VTI when it is declassified.


Internal Action: TMS gives this status to omissions with Internal Actions assigned. The Action requires approval before TMS sends the term with the Action back to the source system. Substatuses:

  • CRE (Created). A user has assigned an Internal Action to the term (from status VTO, VTO_ALLOC, or no prior status).

  • RCRE (Recreated). The verbatim was previously in status ACT_INT, then was not, and now is again; for example, when a verbatim term has an Internal Action assigned, then no longer assigned (due to its being approved and the base external Action being assigned, or due to the term's being ) and then an Internal Action is again assigned to the term.

  • UNALLOC (Deallocated). The term has an Internal Action assigned and was formerly allocated to a user, but the user allocation has been rejected (from status ACT_ALLOC).


Allocated Internal Action Assignment: TMS gives this status to omissions with Internal Actions that are allocated as a task (for Action approval) to a user.

  • ALLOC (Allocated). The term has an Internal Action assigned and is allocated as a task to a user for approval from the unallocated pool (from status ACT_INT) or is re-allocated from one approver to another (from status ACT_ALLOC).

  • CRE (Created). A coder creates an Internal Action assignment and TMS allocates it directly to an approver (from status VTO, VTO_ALLOC, or no prior status).


External Action Assignment: TMS gives this status to omissions with external Actions that are ready to be sent, or have been sent, to the external source data system. Substatuses:

  • CRE (Created) (from status VTA_ALLOC, VTO_ALLOC, or no prior status).

  • RCRE (Recreated). The verbatim was previously in status ACT_EXT, then was not, and now is again.


Deleted Action Assignment: TMS gives this status to omissions whose assigned internal or external Action is deleted. This is a rare case, only existing when an Action assignment is deleted and no underlying source data exists, such as when you have created an Action assignment directly in the Maintain Action Assignments form.

Substatus: DEL (Deleted) An Action assignment is deleted (from status ACT_INT, ACT_ALLOC, or ACT_EXT).