Administrative IDCS Login subject area

The administrative Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) login subject area provides login history to Oracle Analytics Cloud. It extracts the data through the IDCS REST API.

The key metrics available are the number number of logins, number of successful logins, number of failed logins, time stamp of last successful login, number of users with successful logins,and number of users with failed logins.


If you suspect a failed login history with invalid usernames, you cannot see the login records if you select the IDCS Users attribute because the invalid user does not exist in the IDCS User list. But, if you do not select the IDCS Users attribute, you can see the records of failed logins by invalid users by selecting attributes from IDCS Login folder.
You can analyze this subject area by relevant dimensions such as:
  • User
  • User Groups
  • Calendar Date (Joined by Login Date)


    Users not assigned to any group show with a blank group name. Users who never logged in to the system show with 0 login.