Appointment Slots

The Appointment Slots table includes columns related to the appointment slots used in Oracle Health Immunization Management schedules.

Module: Oracle Health Immunization Management

Key Columns

Table 3-6 Appointment Slots Columns

Name Description
Id Identification number of the time slot
Appointment Date Date of the appointment
Appointment Time Time of the appointment
Appointment Time Hour Hour of slot
Appointment Status Status of the appointment (Processed, Results Received, Called from Queue, No Show, Cancelled, Rescheduled)
Assigned On Time when slot assigned
Called From Queue On Date called from queue
Checked In On Date checked in for appointment
Checked In QR Scanned Yes/No A Yes or No flag that indicates if the patient was checked in and QR scanned
Confirmation Code Confirmation code for the appointment
Confirmation Sent On Date confirmation sent
Consent for Covid Health Condition YN Yes or No flag for "The patient confirms that none of the health conditions listed on the consent form apply, or they have discussed these and/or any other special circumstances with their regular health care provider and/or vaccination service provider"
Consent for Covid Information YN Yes or No flag for "The patient confirms that they have received and understood the information provided to then on COVID-19 vaccination"
Consent for Covid Treatment YN Yes or No Flag for "The patient agrees to receive a course of COVID-19 vaccine (two doses of the same vaccine)"
Consent for Covid Vaccine YN Yes or No flag to indicate if consent was given or not for a COVID Vaccine
Consent Given By Who gave consent for the appointment
Followup Sent On Date appointment followup message sent
Locked Yes/No A Yes or No flag that indicates if the appointment locked
Vaccinated On Date patient received vaccination
Vaccinated On Hour Hour when patient received vaccination
Vaccinated QR Scanned Yes/No A Yes or No flag that indicates if the patient was vaccinated and QR scanned
Queue Alert Sent On Date patient queue alert sent
Reminder Sent On Date reminder message sent
Slot Duration Mins Duration of time slot in minutes
Slot Number Number for slot
Soft Locked On Date the appointment was soft locked
Tracking Number Tracking number for the appointment
Tracking Number Scanned Yes/No A Yes or No flag that indicates if the tracking number was scanned or not
Updated By Identification number of user who last updated the record
Created By Identification number of the user who created the appointment
Created by Sid Created by system identification
Created On Date record created
Updated On Date record last updated
Appointment Type Id Identification number of the appointment type
Schedule Detail Id Identification of schedule detail
Location Id Identification number of the location
Patient Id Identification number of the patient
Parent/Guardian First Name Parent or guardian's first name; consent given for the treatment
Parent/Guardian Last Name Parent or guardian's last name; consent given for the treatment
Parent/Guardian Phone Calling Code Parent or guardian's phone calling code
Parent/Guardian Phone Number Parent or guardian's phone number
Parent/Guardian Relationship Type Parent or guardian's relationship type