Calendar Date

The Calendar Date table includes columns related to the calendar used in Oracle Health Immunization Management to book appointments.

Module: Oracle Health Immunization Management

Key Column
Calendar Date

Table 3-9 Calendar Date Columns

Name Description
Calendar Date Calendar date
Day Name Full name of the day of the week
Day Name Short Abbreviated name of the day of the week
Day of Month Day of the month
Day of The Week Day of the week
Month Name Full name of the month
Month Name Short Abbreviated name of the month
Month Two Digit Two-digit code for the month number in the year (01 = January, 02 = February, etc.)
Quarter Quarter number within the year (1, 2, 3, 4)
Week Of Month Week number within the month
Week Of Year Week number within the year (1-52)
Year Four-digit year
Year Month Year and month in YYYY-MM format (for example, 2021-06)
Year Week Year and week in YYYY-WW format (for example, 2021-25)