Monitor healthcare notification usage

You can access the Notification Service Usage page at any time as long as you signed in with a System Administrator account. The report shows the number of interactions in your subscription, the number of interactions available, and details on the number of messages sent.

To access your usage report:
  1. Sign in to Oracle Analytics and select Catalog from the main menu. For example:

    Oracle Analytics main menu with Catalog option

  2. Select the Shared Folders tab. You see folders with sample content. For example:

    Oracle Content Shared folder

  3. Select the Oracle Content folder. It opens to your latest notification usage report. For example, it contains data on the number of notifications in your subscription, the number remaining, and shows details on the number of messages, message segments, and interactions sent. For example:

    Notification report

    The report shows:
    • # Subscription: Contracted total number of interactions during the service period
    • # Remaining: Number of remaining interactions available for use during the service period
    • # Messages: Number of messages sent
    • # Message Segments: Actual number of messages sent. The system parses messages over 160 characters into two (or more) message segments
    • # Interactions: Amount counted towards the amount included in your subscription for the service period. The system calculates this number by multiplying the segments by the interaction factor based on the country where your messages get delivered


    If your remaining messages run low (for example, less than 20% of your subscription amount), contact your Oracle Customer Success Manager to renew your subscription and avoid any disruption in service.