Patient Group

The Patient Group table includes columns related to the patient group information that a Oracle Health Immunization Management user entered.

Module: Oracle Health Immunization Management

Key Columns

Table 3-19 Patients Columns

Name Description
Patient Group Name Name of the patient group
Parent Group Id Identification number of the group parent
Physical Location Yes/No A Yes or No flag that indicates if the group resides at a physical location
Public Yes/No A Yes or No flag that indicates if the location is public
Updated By Identification number of user who last updated the record
Updated On Date record last updated
Code Patient Group code
Contact Email Email address to reach group contact
Contact Name Name of contact person
Contact Phone Phone number to reach contact
Created By Identification number of the user who created the record
Created On Date record created
Description Description of the group
Group Type Code List of value codes for the group type
Group Type List of value types for the group
Id Identification number of the group
Location Address1 Address line 1
Location Address2 Address line 2
Location Address3 Address line 3
Location Address4 Address line 4
Location Address Key Key for address
Location City City
Location Sub Zone Sub Zone
Location Zone Zone
Location Country Code Country code
Location Postal Code Postal code
Location Email Email for the location
Location Id Identification number for the location
Location Phone Phone number for the location
Patient Group Id Identification number of the patient group